Documentation:How to add a wiki search bar on UBC Blogs and CMS websites
This documentation will explain how to implement a wiki search bar on UBC Blogs and CMS Website. With the search bar, site visitor can easily search resources on the wiki from your site.
An example of wiki search bar can be seen under the UBC Wiki on the Open UBC site.
How tos
Step1: Create a wiki search bar
- Go to the Google Custom Search site and click on Sign in to to Custom Search Engine with your google acount.
- Under Custom Search, click on New search engine.
- Under the Sites to search, type Under Name of the search engine, you can change the name of the wiki search bar. This name will be only visible to you. If you are satisfied, press on Create.Under the Sites to search, type Under Name of the search engine, you can change the name of the wiki search bar. This name will be only visible to you. If you are satisfied, press on Create.
- Now you have created your wiki search bar. If you wish to customize your wiki search bar, click on Get code, and copy the code. You can modify your wiki search bar any time.
"If you wish to customize the wiki search bar, you can do so by going to Set up and Look and fee located under Edit Search Engine . You can change your look and feel and setting of the wiki search bar any time. |
Step 2: Embed the wiki search bar to your UBC Blogs or CMS site
Once you created a wiki search bar, you can embed the wiki search bar anywhere on your Blogs or CMS site.
Embed it on pages/posts
- Login to your UBC CMS site or UBC Blog site.
- Go to Post or Page and edit the page that you want to embed the search bar.
- Switch to text(HTML) Visual Editor by clicking on the text tab on top of the Visual Editor.
- Paste the code that you have copied from Step1:Create a wiki search bar, and press save.
Embed it on sidebar (or Widget)
- Login to your UBC CMS site or UBC Blog site.
- Go to Dashboard> Appearance> Widget
- Drag Text text widget and drag and drop to the side bar that you wish to add the search bar.
- Click on the Text text widget tab to switch to HTML mode, and paste the code that you have copied from Step1:Create a wiki search bar, Then, press save.