
From UBC Wiki

Time to Complete this module

5-10 minutes

Learning Objectives

By the end of this module, you will be able to:

  • Share your experience of a particular lesson that has motivated you as a learner
  • Discuss what you believe the teacher did to enhance your motivation


Think back on a memorable experience you have had as a student, where you felt one or more than one of the following:

  • You have found yourself eagerly looking forward to the next class;
  • You have felt you would love to further discuss the course topics with your teacher, after or outside the class;
  • You have enjoyed doing extra work for the class (e.g. reading more than the required texts, doing additional work for homework, essays or projects, ...);
  • Being in that course has convinced you to pick the course material as the focus of your later career;
  • You have felt you would like to impress your teacher.


Using the Comments box below, please briefly share your experience.


What do you think the teacher did that made you feel the way you did?

Please use the Comments box to discuss both questions.