Documentation:FIB book/problems/brain injury

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In this assignment, we will look into various brain injury predictors that fall into four major categories: (1). linear acceleration based, (2). angular acceleration based, (3). linear and angular acceleration combined, and (4). stress and strain based. We will use data collected in one of the Honda CR-V tests from National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA). Videos of the crash test can be downloaded here. You can use MATLAB to import the data and process it. Please include the MATLAB code (or other source code if you choose to use other software for data analyzing), relevant formulas and calculations, etc. with your submission.

Question 1 Raw data processing [1]

Steps to download the raw data:

(1). The raw collected data is from this website here [2].

(2). There is a section called 'Supporting files' near the bottom.

(3). Click on 'Crash test data' to download the data.

It is stored as a .mat file. It consists of:

(1). timestamp - tdata.

(2). linear acceleration - a1, a2, a3 for x, y, z-axis, respectively, in gravity g.

(3). angular velocity - omega1, omega2, omega3 for x, y, z-axis, respectively, in degree/s.

Plot linear accelerations in unit: g, and angular velocities in unit: rad/s, in two figures. Since we will also be using angular acceleration in this assignment, you can extract them from the angular velocity numerically by , and plot them individually in three figures in unit: rad/s^2.

Question 2 Linear acceleration based brain injury criteria [1]

Peak linear resultant acceleration (PLA)

Compute peak linear resultant acceleration and find the corresponding estimated risk of brain injury according to the table below:

Table 1. PLA thresholds, adapted from Fernandes FA, et al. (2015) [1]
Injury Tolerance
Brain injury 50% probability:

AIS 4: 200 - 250 g [3]

AIS 5: 250 - 300 g [3]

AIS 6: > 300 g [3]

Mild Traumatic Brain Injury (MTBI) 25% probability: 559 m/s^2 [4]

50% probability: 778 m/s^2 [4]

75% probability: 965 m/s^2 [4]

Concussion 50% probability: 65.1 g [5]

75% probability: 88.5 g [5]

Skull fracture 50% risk: 135 g [6]

Head injury criterion (HIC)

HIC is computed using the following equation :

Calculate HIC15 by checking three different time intervals: 5 ms, 10 ms, and 15 ms. Then assess its associated head injury risk using the following table:

Table 2. HIC thresholds, adapted from Fernandes FA, et al. (2015) [1]
Injury Tolerance
Brain injury 8.5% probability of death: 1000 [7]

31% probability of death: 2000 [7]

65% probability of death: 4000 [7]

Question 3 Angular acceleration based brain injury criteria [1]

Peak rotational acceleration

Gennarelli et al. [8] proposed a relationship between AIS and angular acceleration (), which can be summarized in Table 3:

Table 3. Relationship between AIS and angular acceleration/velocity, adapted from Fernandes FA, et al. (2015) [1]
AIS Level Injury severity Angular acceleration (rad/s^2)
1 Mild cerebral concussion 2877.8
2 Classical cerebral concussion 5755.6
3 Severe cerebral concussion 8633.4
4 Mild diffuse axonal injury (DAI) 11511.2
5 Moderate DAI 14389
6 Severe DAI 17266.8

Find peak rotational acceleration and estimate corresponding AIS level.

Rotational injury criterion (RIC)

Kimpara and Iwamoto [9] proposed a rotational injury criterion (RIC), which was done by simply replacing the resultant linear acceleration in HIC with resultant angular acceleration:

They also proposed that RIC values at or above indicate a 50% MTBI probability.

Estimate RIC by checking a time window of 5 ms, 10 ms, 15 ms respectively. Check if the computed value goes beyond the 50% MTBI probability.

Question 4 Combined linear and angular acceleration based brain injury criteria [1]

Generalized acceleration model for brain injury threshold (GAMBIT)

Newman [3] tried to combine linear and angular acceleration together to create a mixed brain injury criteria named generalized acceleration model for brain injury threshold (GAMBIT):

where and represent linear and angular acceleration, in unit g and rad/s^2 at time , respectively. This equation assumes that linear and angular acceleration contributes to the brain injury equally and independently. Researchers have attempted to develop thresholds for GAMBIT, which is shown below in Table 4:

Table 4. GAMBIT parameters and critical values, adapted from Fernandes FA, et al. (2015) [1]
Reference n m s (g) (rad/s^2)
Newman [1] 2 2 2 250 25000
Chinn B, et al. [10]

Mellor A, St Clair [11]

2 2 2 250 10000

Thresholds are summarized in Table 5 from two resources.

Table 5. GAMBIT thresholds for injury risk probability, adapted from Fernandes FA, et al. (2015) [1]
Injury Threshold
Brain injury 50% probability of AIS > 3:

G = 1 [12] or 1.5 <= G <= 2 [10]

Concussion 50% probability:

G >= 0.4 [12]

95% probability:

G >= 0.56 [12]

Although there are multiple versions of GAMBIT parameters and GAMBIT thresholds, in this assignment, we will use the Newman version of calculation and the injury risk from reference [12] version to calculate GAMBIT, as a practice to see how linear and angular acceleration can be mixed to assess injury risk. Compute GAMBIT with our crash-test data based on the Newman version in Table 4 and assess what injury risk it may represent according to reference [12] in Table 5.

Question 5 Stress and strain based brain injury criteria [1]

Strain correlated with linear and angular accelerations

Aare et al. [13] have attempted to associate linear and angular accelerations with strains in brain tissues. They combined the findings from Kleiven and Von Holst [14] that the change of angular velocity is best correlated with intracranial strains and the correlation between HIC and strain levels [14]:

where stands for the maximum strain component in brain tissues, is the maximum change in angular velocity (rad/s^2), HIC is the head injury criterion, and and are constant coefficients, which were obtained by regression analysis [13].

Compute strain using , [13] , and the estimated HIC value from question 2. Map the computed number to possible brain tissue damage injuries, cerebral contusions, and DAI:

Table 6. Strain thresholds, adapted from Fernandes FA, et al. (2015) [1]
Injury Thresholds
Brain tissue damage 0.5 [15]
Cerebral contusions 50% risk: 0.19 [16]
DAI 0.1 [17]

Question 6 Compare and illustrate any thoughts on the various brain injury criteria

Document your observations or thoughts after completing all the questions above. List at least two major reflections.


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