Documentation:Eportfolio Basics/Tips

From UBC Wiki


General Tips

  • Collecting and organizing your documents and portfolio artifacts will give you a better sense on how you want to present your eportfolio.
  • When you add information to the Web remember it is a public place. It is important that you understand the systems privacy controls and understand who can acces you ePortfolio
  • Think broadly when selecting artifacts to add to your ePortfolio. In addition, to showcasing your academic work e-Portfolios can include evidence gained at university, at work or in your personal life.
  • Keep your e-Portfolio up-to-date. It can be difficult to go back through your experiences and reflect on them.

Reflection Tips

The following two frameworks can assist you with your reflections:

1. STAR-L, Situation, Task, Action, Result and Lessons Learned

  • Situation-the context in which the material occurred.
  • Task-What was required of you in this situation?
  • Action-The steps that you took to respond this task.
  • Result-The outcome of your actions. How did your actions contribute to the completion of the task?
  • Learned-What you have learned from the experience?

2. What? So What? Now What?

  • What? Describe context and details of the experience.
  • So what? Explain the significance of the experience in relation to your own practice.
  • Now what? Explain how you will continue personal or professional growth in this area.

Questions to Ask Yourself Before You Create Your e-Portfolio

  1. Why create an e-Portfolio?
    See Uses and Benefits
  2. Who will be viewing this portfolio and what is it’s purpose? Is the portfolio designed for documenting your learning or highlighting your work experience?
    Click here for a discussion of types of ePortfolios.
  3. Do I have appropriate and interesting media content to illuminate my competencies and artistic capabilities?
    Click here to view an example of a ePortfolio that uses interesting media content
  4. Do I have the correct contact information, phone number, professional email address, phone number with a professional voicemail?
    Click here to view guidelines on professional ePortfolios.
  5. Are my privacy settings in place to ensure my online presence is available for networking and employers while my personal information is protected?
    Click here to read about privacy considerations online.