Documentation:Digital Tattoo Student Orientation/Workplan 2015
Strategic Priorities
- Open Access Week: Oct 19-25 (UBC-SFU combined events: Oct. 22nd) - blog post - featured content - social media -open access and digital identity.
- U of T partnership (Julie and Cindy)
Content Development
- site/content QA
- Open Access week
- Open Education (re-work self assessment)
- Gaming and digital identity
- Cybervetting-overexposed (review and adding question)
- Ephemeral net - why?
* Terms and Conditions
Ideas to consider:
- Learning analyitcs
- student events
By end of fall term
- edit quiz for Open Learning - Think section to be more in line with themes of video:
- ensure all images are appropriately credited and add alt tag in media library
- produce 1 streeter and use as blog post. (Cybervetting to be posted first week in Dec)