Documentation:Digital Tattoo Student Orientation/Workplan 2014
Strategic Priorities
- Embed digital literacy thinking in content development and presentations.
- Understand digital badging and it's potential application to digital tattoo themes (and specific site content).
- Highlight site content.
- Determine sustainable approach for implementing learning wrapper on all page content.
- Improve effectiveness related to analytics reporting and use in planning and evaluation (Google and Social Media: YouTube/Twitter/FB).
- Identify a sustainability plan (funding!)
- Build on success of TBYI video series.
- tag/categorize pages and posts with Digital Literacies
- Familiarize ourselves with Digital Badging and implementations. To read:
- Small scale reworking of home page to highlight main sections of site and content (Cindy has some ideas for this).
- Images for carousel (some to define better specs for this and include in documentation - student orientation).
- Annual comparison report for google analytics: what do we want to know/ compare? Is there value in using goals/metrics?
- Gather baseline data on YouTube TBYI series.
- Gather baseline data (annual comparison) on Google Analytics.
- Implement data mining with learning wrapper and use this as feature for Protect section (or work??).