Documentation:Digital Tattoo Student Orientation/User Survey
The Problem
Our analytics (Google) do not give us enough information about who is using our website and resources and for what purpose.
We run a "getting to know you" campaign for the month of April.
Focus on:
- user survey (3-4 questions)
- blog series: getting to know you series (submissions through forms)
- contest - media - choose an digital identity theme and create a CC licensed video or resource.
User Survey
Homepage link (suggest replacing current badge info for month of April with: April is the month for Getting to Know You! Learn more... (link to survey info and page)
Survey Page
We really want to learn more about you and how you are using our website! Please help us by taking less than 3 minutes to tell us a bit about you...
1. Who are you?
- high school student
- college/university student
- teacher
- librarian
- community member
2. Where are you located? open ended.
3. Why are you visiting our site?
- school assignment
- general interest
- part of a workshop
- teaching resources
Guest blogger
Suggest: blog post could be submitted via form. Rie, could you set something up as we have done for other purposes? -I set up a gravity form on the Digital Tattoo site under the name "Guest Form" (Rie )
Do you want to be featured on our site as part of our Getting to Know You blog series? If so, please write something here:
- Your name:
- Your town:
- The title of your blog post
- Tell us something about your digital life (for example: What's changed for you over the past year - related to your digital life, and why?)
- Upload a featured image to your blog post -Make sure the image is creative commons licensed. Please Include the citation in the "Tell us something about your digital life" section.