Documentation:Digital Tattoo Student Orientation/Content Development 2017

From UBC Wiki

I propose that we use this page to keep track of ideas for our editorial discussions during Digital Tattoo team meetings.

Strategic Focus

Our strategic focus for the coming year: (Note, I have pulled these from our discussion in our team meeting on March 27th, 2017) Understanding the impact of the following our digital identities:

  • data/privacy management: where data resides matters (to governance, privacy laws, etc.)
  • privacy laws meant to protect may also restrict (FIPPA, productivity/ learning tech)
  • cost/benefit risk analysis that we all engage in when thinking about what we share, how we share it and why.
  • ethical sharing
  • fake news and fact checking
  • respecting the work of others
  • course notes, instructor ownership and profiteering (course hero)
  • art and meaning making
  • considering context
  • Margeaux shooting video interviews with artists, etc.
  • Our digital lives
  • UBC Professor Catherine Rawn and her course 'The psychology of social media': how are we're becoming hardwired to our devices.
  • E-Sports: UBC "varsity" club video about how video games aren't just a hobby anymore.

Blog Themes

Tutorial Content

Fake news - how to fact check

  • What can we do with this in tutorial format - using our learning wrapper approach (video or resource, quiz, etc.)?
  • Should this be a featured in the learn section?
  • Other ideas about how we might use this background as a springboard for content development?

Suggested approach for this content : Inspired by the course and our conversation during the last meeting about our thinking biases and their impact on decision making.

  • Provocative title: Crap Detection: Why we're bad at it and how we can improve. (was trying to think of something that was relatable without using the same title as the course above).
  • Video suggestion: Your Gullible Brain and the Spread of Fake News :

Read More: Why are people so incredibly gullible? "If you ever need proof of human gullibility, cast your mind back to the attack of the flesh-eating bananas. In January 2000, a series of chain emails began reporting that imported bananas were infecting people with "necrotizing fasciitis" - a rare disease in which the skin erupts into livid purple boils before disintegrating and peeling away from muscle and bone."

Why Does the Vaccine/Autism Controversy Live On? "Vaccines do not cause autism. That was the ruling in each of three critical test cases handed down on February 12 by the U.S. Court of Federal Claims in Washington, D.C. But these rulings, though seemingly definitive, have done little to quell the angry debate, which has severe implications for American public health."

Making The Truth Stick and The Myths Fade: Lessons from Cognitive Psychology "Erroneous beliefs are difficult to correct. Worse, popular correction strategies may backfire and further increase the spread and acceptance of misinformation. People evaluate the truth of a statement by assessing its compatibility with other things they believe, its internal consistency, amount of supporting evidence, acceptance by others, and the credibility of the source."

For the Explore section - we may want to link this back to digital reputation (what's the implication for me and my reputation?). For example:

  • role of trust in your networks:
  • sharing fake news can be a hit to your credibility and your reputation as a critical thinker (if that's important to you).
  • creating fake news can potentially lead to libel charges.
  • know the difference between satire and fake news.

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