Documentation:Design Your Life and Career/Research

From UBC Wiki

Design Thinking

(Notes: Useful overview of the origins and impacts of the discourses in design thinking)

Positive Psychology

Selected scholarly articles may be found at UPenn's Positive Psychology Centre website.

  • Peterson, C., & Seligman, M. E. P. (2004). Character strengths and virtues: A handbook and classification. New York: Oxford University Press and Washington, DC: American Psychological Association.

Cultural Relevance & Positive Psychology

  • Rao, M. A., & Donaldson, S. I. (2015). Expanding opportunities for diversity in positive psychology: An examination of gender, race, and ethnicity. Canadian Psychology/Psychologie canadienne, 56(3), 271-282. (Notes: positive psychology literature review spanning 17 years to examine basis for criticisms related to lack of attention to diversity).
  • Marecek, J., & Christopher, J. C. (2018). Is positive psychology an indigenous psychology? In N. J. L. Brown, T. Lomas, & F. J. Eiroa-Orosa (Eds.), Routledge international handbooks. The Routledge international handbook of critical positive psychology (pp. 84-98). New York, NY, US: Routledge/Taylor & Francis Group. Full-text pdf on ResearchGate