Documentation:DIY Screencast/Edit

From UBC Wiki
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  • Asess for pace of the action appropriate (not too fast or too slow).
  • Assess for flow.
  • Ensure all graphics, sounds and effects are necessary.
  • Eliminate any extraneous information.
  • Review against Mayer's principles for multimedia design.
  • Get feedback on roughcut from learners (if possible).
  • Edit out any errors from your recording. Make sure to cut both the audio and video so that the syncing remains valid (advanced software users only).
  • Assemble chunks of videos into a single video.
  • Add introduction, video chapter, and conclusion slides. Review the elements that every script needs and make sure you have included them to detail.
  • Use text boxes sparingly (i.e. something not mentioned in audio, a little tip or trick) and keep to a minimum if you have audio as it can distract the viewers. Frames and arrows are preferable when you need to draw attention.
  • Add subtitles to allow the audience to fast forward to the emphasis point and can be useful with ESL audiences.
  • Consider adding a soundtrack to reduce awkward silence and disguise any unwanted background noise from your voice recording. You can find Creative Commons licensed music online using sites like Free Music Archive, Jamendo, or Incompetech.
  • All files uploaded must be compliant with Canadian copyright laws.
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  • Topic headings, transition slides and time sequences aid navigation as students often click through a video at their own pace.
  • Limit flashy effects and use only what is necessary to illustrate your point. The audio portion of the screencast is as important as the image.
  • Make sure that what's on the screen relates to what you are saying.