Documentation:DIY Media Old Toolkits/Podcasting basics/Script

From UBC Wiki
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  • Review principles for learning, instruction and multimedia development
  • Create a script
  • Set up your recording environment
  • Ensure that your audio setup works and has minimal to no background noise

Prepare your content by putting together a script.

  • Include an introduction and conclusion section in your podcast
  • While writing ask yourself: Is it personal? Would a listener feel you're talking directly to them?
  • When you are finished writing, read your script aloud to see if it sounds natural
  • Have a colleague read your script to check if it matches your objectives
  • Mark your script for recording by underlining for emphasis, inserting vertical lines for pauses, arrows for vocal inflections or any other notes

Script Resources

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  • Write for you ear and for your tongue (or narrator's). When scripting, write the way you talk.
  • Use short sentences for scripting.
  • Write present tense throughout.