Documentation:Customizing your WordPress Sidebar Using Widgets

From UBC Wiki

A Sidebar “Widget” is just a word that WordPress has chosen to describe the sidebars on your webspace. Widgets are small pieces of code that you can add to your webspace to make it more interesting, such as a calendar, links to your favorite websites, a search feature, a tag cloud, and so much more!

Adding Widgets

Figure 1: Widgets

  1. From the Dashboard, under Appearance, click Widgets. 
(see Figure 1 image)
  2. Select the desired widget(s) and click on it.
  3. Drag the widget to the sidebar and drop it where you would like it to appear.
  4. Enter a Title, select a Position, and click Save Widget.
  5. Open each widget and edit the title and content and click Save.
  6. Click the Visit Site button at the top of your screen to see the new sidebar on your webspace.