
From UBC Wiki

Authors: Theo Chitayat, Jack Mandeville, Alexander Booth

What is the problem? State the general problem. If applicable, tell us what information you will use, e.g., a link to some web site that provides the information you used.

To solve a crossword puzzle in the form of a constraint satisfaction problem using prolog. The contraints lie in the length of words, as well as their intersection with the other words in the puzzle. We will start with simple crosswords with a limited word bank, and expand to solve larger and more complicated crosswords.

What is the something extra? What is the in-depth aspect you will do? If the problem is related to some other groups, tell us how they fit together. If in doubt, include it.

We would like to add clues and have our program parse them ideally to get the correct word, or limit the number of possible words to make it solve faster.

What did we learn from doing this? (This should be written after you have done the work.) What is the bottom-line? Is logic programming suitable for (part-of) the task? Make sure you include the evidence for your claims.