Documentation:CTLT programs/Indigenous Initiatives/Programs

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Some of the programs and services included under the Aboriginal Programs are:

  • Faculty Teaching Assistant Program Consultations
    The Coordinator of Indigenous Initiatives works closely with TA coordinators to design and implement discipline-specific programming that establishes and maintains venues, for dedicated, in-depth discussions of classroom conversations around Indigenous content. Through one on one meetings, group consultations, and departmental presentations, the Indigenous Initiatives team at CTLT connects those doing work in the field of Indigenous research and studies, and highlights connections to enhance discussions and strategies to make the classroom a more productive environment.
  • Professional Development Opportunities
    Indigenous Programs establishes and maintains mechanisms through which faculty, teaching assistants and staff can better understand student concerns, and develop more effective and professional techniques for conducting discussions of difficult issues, specifically around Indigenous content. Professional development opportunities are available to all faculty, staff and teaching assistants at the university. The development of academic and professional programming in the area of classroom climate is relatively new and unexplored. Indigenous Programs has responded by creating an innovative series of professional development workshops, curriculum and academic resources that focus the classes and discussions on Indigenous and non-Indigenous histories and relationships, especially how these conversations play out in the classroom. To learn more about this series, please go to CTLT Events for the series on Classroom Climate.
  • Curriculum Development
    Indigenous Programs liaises with, supports and serves as a resource to UBC faculties, departments, schools, and institutes in developing Indigenous focused curriculum, pedagogical approaches to improving classroom climate, and program development in this area.
  • Faculty Advisory on Indigenous Classroom Climate Issues
    The Faculty Advisory Group on Indigenous Classroom Climate Issues meets once a month to identify and discuss key issues involved in working with Indigenous material in the classroom. This working group is comprised of Indigenous faculty and instructors in the Faculty of Arts and Law who work with Indigenous material. Everyone involved are particularly knowledgeable of the issues and challenges both students and instructors face.