Documentation:CTLT Institute/Facilitation Resources/Facilitation Toolkit

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This Facilitation Toolkit is a collection of tips, tricks, and techniques harvested from CTLT Institute Facilitators' stories, experiences, and wisdom.


With alignment between various components of your session in mind, begin your planning process with the learning outcomes or objectives. As you iterate between designing the process and designing the agenda, the session will start to take shape.

Some design and planning considerations include:

  1. Participant communication: What do your participants need to know before or at the workshop? How and when will this information be provided?
  2. Workshop materials and supplies: What materials and supplies do you need to facilitate the process? What technology would you need to support the session?
  3. Physical space: What room set-up will best encourage participation? How do you create an inclusive and welcoming environment for your participants? Would you need additional break-out rooms for the session?


Working Guidelines

Sharing Agenda

Listening, Engaging, Including

While holding space for the participants to engage in the process you've designed, be engaged and attentive to the group's dynamic and emerging needs to model respectful behaviour. Keep an eye on the clock as you monitor and summarize the group process.

Some considerations include:

  1. Time management: Be flexible and balance the need for the participation with the need to be respectful of everyone's time
  2. Watch for side conversations: These often limit the ability of other to focus and engage. If appropriate, weave the conversation into the group.
  3. Observe for non-verbal behaviours: Are they experiencing discomfort? Are they asserting power/boundaries? Some of the most damaging behaviour is silent, learn how to surface your observations in the least intrusive way and stop it effectively. Perhaps reminding the group of working guidelines would be a good place to start.
  4. Paraphrase and record: You are responsible for making sure the participants hear, see, and understand the information and process they are engaged in. Whenever possible, use the words that the group chooses and ask for clarification as you support the conversation. Make sure that you keep an accurate record of what's going on.

Online Resources