Documentation:Brightway Tutorials
Basic information about Brightway2
Other open-source libraries/scripts of the Brightway ecosystem
- Wurst (to modify the ecoinvent database)
- Premise (to match the ecoinvent database with the output results from Integrated Assessment Model (IAMs) such as IMAGE and REMIND) and scenarios dashboard
- Temporalis: an open source software for dynamic LCA
- ActivityBrowser: a GUI for Brightway2
- List of other extensions
Classic tutorials from the developers
- Getting started with Brightway2(this notebook provides a basic introduction to Brightway2 functionality)
- Brightway2 example notebooks (Jupyter notebooks to demonstrate key features of Brightway2)
- Brightway2 Seminar 2017 (a comprehensive workshop on how to use Brightway2)
- "Learn Brightway" Book
- Teaching material for Brightway2.5 (this notebook provides tutorials for Brightway2.5 functionality)
- Wurst and Premise training materials (from Romain Sacchi, the developer of Premise)
Tutorials contributed by others
- Brightway for Beginners (a 8-hour course to learn Brightway2, developed by Massimo Pizzol at Aalborg University)
- Brightway tutorial by Maximilian Koslowski (all-in-one Jupyter notebook for basics of Brightway2)
- Brightway beginners internal ecoinvent training materials(based on Brightway 2.5)
Use cases
- Reallocating combined heat and power datasets in Brightway
- Script for digging out LCI of interest via recursion
- A simple LCA calculator using Brightway2 | demo
Frequently asked questions (FAQs)
- FAQs from official webpage
- Discussions from stack overflow
- Where is my “Project” folder?
- see “How do I find where my data is saved?”
- also, you can find the location of your projects by executing bw.projects.output_dir
- Where can I find the Excel template for importing inventory data?
- see the class of ‘ExcelImporter’ for details
- Why is it taking me forever or Why am I in an infinite loop while importing ecoinvent database?
- if you are using SingleOutputEcospold2Importer(), explicitly specify use_mp = False. See example: ei36_conseq = bw.SingleOutputEcospold2Importer(ei36_path, 'ecoinvent_3.6_conseq', use_mp = False). You should be able to see the progress bar afterwards
- possible cause of this issue explained: stack overflow
- Why are there so many unlinked exchanges when I try to import ecoinvent 3.8 (ecospold2)? The code worked fine for ecoinvent 3.7 or lower versions?
- see answer here: stack overflow
- Negative production for end of life treatment process: stack overflow
- What can I do when I encounter error messages?
- don't panic, read the error message carefully, in many case it only needs a quick fix of your own code
- copy and paste the error message in Google, you may find a similar question already been ask on the StackOverflow
- still stuck? look up the code document and GitHub repo (you may discover some known issues)
LCA Statistics
Key concepts to understand statistical approach to LCA:
- Monte Carlo method
- Statistical hypothesis testing
- Parametric statistics
- Nonparametric statistics
- Normality test
- t-test
- Wilcoxon signed-rank test
Useful Python Documentation for statistical functions in Brightway2: