Documentation:Bibliography of Source Materials in Japanese Studies/Subject areas/Premodern literature

From UBC Wiki

Keyword search in Shinpen Kokka Taikan新編国歌大観

Bibliography of
Source Materials in
Japanese Studies
AIU Library.png
About this Bibliography
This open bibliography will provide an overview of foundational sources and tools in Japanese studies. It is currently being developed by students in ASIA 521A.
Table of Contents
  • Please visit Documentation:JB for the workspace for developing this bibliography.
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Search for a particular waka and potential annotations:

  1. Access JapanKnowledge Lib through UBC library website:
  2. Go to 詳細(個別)検索 (the tab is located on the upper left corner of this homepage)
  3. Select 新編国歌大観.
  4. Type in phrases or keywords from the waka.

**Remember to log out once you finish using JapanKnowledge Lib.