Documentation:Bibliography of Source Materials in Japanese Studies/Reference works/Calendars, time, measurement, conversion
Bibliography of Source Materials in Japanese Studies | |
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This open bibliography will provide an overview of foundational sources and tools in Japanese studies. It is currently being developed by students in ASIA 521A. | |
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[Work in progress]
Tsuchihashi, Yachita. Japanese chronological tables from 601 to 1972 A.D.. Tōkyō: Sophia University Press, 1952. Call number: CE71.J3 T78 1952
Uchida Masao 内田正男. Nihon rekijitsu genten 日本暦日原典. Tōkyō: Yūzankaku Shuppan, 1992. Call number: CE61.J3 U255 1992
Miner, Earl, Hiroko Odagiri, and Robert E. Morrell. The Princeton Companion to Classical Japanese Literature. Princeton University Press, 1985. Call number: PL726.1 .M495 1985
Ōno Susumu 大野進, Satake Akihiro 佐竹昭広and Maeda Kingorō 前田金五郎. Iwanami kogo jiten 岩波古語辞典. 1974. Call number: PL675 .O6 1974
Smart phone app: 岩波国語辞典第七版 新版 $37.99 ロゴヴィスタ株式会社
General Yearbooks
Asahi Nenkan 朝日年鑑. Ōsaka: Asahi Shinbunsha, 1933-1944, 1946-2000. Call number: DS803 .A8
Yomiuri Nenkan 読売年鑑.Tōkyō: Yomiuri Shinbunsha, 1969-1970. Call number: D410 .Y6
Ichiko Teiji 市古貞次, ed. Nihon bunka sōgō nenpyō 日本文化総合年表. Tōkyō: Iwanami Shoten, 1990. Call number: DS821 .N67264 1990
Kuwata Tadachika 桑田忠親 and Murakami Tadashi 村上直. Nihon shi bunrui nenpyō 日本史分類年表. Tōkyō: Tōkyō Shoseki, 1989. Call number: DS833 .N528 1989
Katō Tomoyasu 加藤友康, ed. Nihon shi sōgō nenpyō 日本史総合年表. Tōkyō: Yoshikawa Kōbunkan, 2001. Call number: DS833 .N535 2001
Weights and Measures
Kokushi daijiten 国史大辞典. 15 vols. Tōkyō: Yoshikawa Kōbunkan. 1997. Online at JapanKnowledge EBook Collection
Sekai dai-hyakka jiten 世界大百科事典. 34 vols. Tōkyō: Heibonsha, 2007. Call number: AE35.2 .S38 2007
Money and prices
Crawcour, E.S. and Kozo Yamamura. “The Tokugawa Monetary System: 1787-1868.” In Economic Development and Cultural Change 18:4 (1970), pp. 489-518. Online at
Katsu Kokichi. Musui’s Story: The Autobiography of a Tokugawa Samurai. Trans. Teruko Craig. Tucson: University of Arizona Press, 1988. Call number: DS881.5.K285 A3 1988
Nedanshi nenpyō 値段史年表. Tōkyō: Asahi Shinbunsha, 1988. Call number: HG229 .N433 1988
Meiji Taishōk kokusei sōran 明治大正国勢総覧. Tōkyō: Tōyō Keizai Shinpōsha, 1975. Call number: HA1845 .M4 1929a
Nihon toshi nenkan 日本都市年鑑. Tōkyō: Inoue Shoten, 1936, 1958, 1964, 1965, 1967, 1968, 1970, 1971, 1974, 1980. Call number: HA1844 .N55
Nippon: A Charted Survey of Japan. Tōkyō: Kokuseisha, 1936-1995, missing 1937-1957, 1959-1960, 1964, 1966, 1970-1977, 1991-1992. Call number: DS801 .N43
Nihon tōkei nenkan 日本統計年鑑. Tōkyō: Nihon Tōkei Kyōkai, 1949. Call number: HA154 .C878 JAPAN. Online at
Nihon tōkei sakuin 日本統計索引. Ed. Nihon Tōkei Sakuin Henshū Iinkai 日本統計索引編集委員会 and Kawashima Kenkyū Jimusho 川島研究事務所. Tōkyō: Nichigai Asoshiētsu, 1975. Call number: ZHA1845 .N53 1975
Nihon arumanakku 日本アルマナック. 10 vols. Tōkyō: Kyōikusha, 1984. Call number: HA4621 .N53
Nihon chōki tōkei sōran 日本長期統計総覧. Tōkyō: NetAdvance Inc, 2020. Call number: HC462.7. Online at JapanKnowledge EBook Collection
Nihon kokusei zue 日本国勢図会. Tōkyō: NetAdvance Inc, 2020. Call number: HC461. Online at JapanKnowledge EBook Collection
Tōkei jōhō sōsakuin 統計情報総索引. 15 vols. Tōkyō: Sōrifu Tōkeikyoku, 1992. Call number: ZHA1833 .T635
Yano Ichirō 矢野一郎 and Yano Tsuneta Kinenkai 矢野恒太記念会. Sūji de miru Nihon no 100-nen 数字でみる日本の100年. Tōkyō : Kokuseisha, 1981. Call number: HC462 .S773 1981