Documentation:Assessing Technology/Using SECTIONS
The Framework for Assessing Technology that we have drafted in the Centre for Teaching, Learning and Technology, builds on the SECTIONS model developed by Drs. Tony Bates and Gary Poole and described in their book “Effective Teaching With Technology in Higher Education” (2003). The SECTIONS model proposes broad questions related to technology use in 8 key areas: Students, Ease of Use, Costs, Teaching and Learning Benefits, Interactivity, Organizational Issues, Novelty and Speed. We’ve attempted to drill down to the specifics in each of these areas and propose some questions for consideration that may be important to instructors.
The intent of the framework is to support participants with a framework for planning to integrate new technology into their courses. We hope it will allow you to assess the fit between:
- the technology you have selected to experiment with.
- your goals
- the level of support you would require to make it work.
This Framework can be used as a basis for discussion with design team members as you consider your course design plan.