Course talk:Social Determinants of Health

From UBC Wiki


Thread titleRepliesLast modified
Headings022:16, 25 November 2014
References018:14, 12 November 2014

Hi Cynthia, I think this wiki page is well done, though the heading that says "Dennis Raphael" doesn't seem right. I'm not entirely sure what you meant to do with this heading, whether it's an introduction or a new part of the page, but I think it would serve well to edit it to either make it a bolded heading or include it in the following paragraph with a new heading.

MichelleHebert (talk)22:16, 25 November 2014


Hi Cynthia, Great wiki page! I see that you have quite a list of references at the bottom of your page, but I just wanted to encourage you to put footnotes within the body of your text so that readers can see which information came from which reference. You can do this by writing the word 'ref' inside of these brackets < > followed by the actual reference information, and then '/ref' inside of these brackets again < >. If you do this at the end of some sentences, this will put a footnote next to the sentence so that readers can click that footnote which will be linked to your references at the bottom of the page. Just a suggestion :) Great job so far!

JaydeJessome (talk)18:14, 12 November 2014