Course talk:PHIL449/LitReports


Thread titleRepliesLast modified
please delete this page019:04, 11 March 2012
PLEASE DELETE017:12, 11 October 2011

please delete this page

I unthinkingly put a students' summary of an article on this page (I was going to put several such summaries on, without any marks or comments from me, just for other students to read) and then realized that I should first get permission to put those summaries on a public page. I deleted the text, but of course it can still be recovered from the "history." I have not gotten students' permission, and don't plan to do so--I posted the summaries on the course Vista page instead, so only other students from the course can see them. Thus, I'd like this page deleted, please.

ChristinaHendricks19:04, 11 March 2012


I used it as a test page.

TamaraWong17:12, 11 October 2011