Course talk:PATH417/Case 1/Group 3 Final

From UBC Wiki


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Group Feedback000:19, 30 January 2015

Group Feedback

This is a well constructed Wiki entry detailing the pathogenesis of Bordetella pertussis. The diagrams are well chosen and enhance the molecular story being told; and, the referencing is superb. Your entry could have been enhanced by a diagrammatic representation of the interaction of the pertussis toxin with the various cells mentioned. Given the centrality of the toxin to the virulence of this organism, a diagram detailing its molecular action would have enriched this entry. The sentence that explained the action of the toxin: "B. pertussis produces the pertussis toxin which prolongs the stimulation of adenylate cyclase in local endothelial cells which results in edema of the respiratory mucosa" lacked a mechanistic explanation as to how the toxin worked to prolong the stimulation of adenylate cyclase and, correspondingly, how this resulted in edema.

Remember also when using the case to drive your learning that the point is not to hone in one potential 'culprit' organism but to consider the range of bacteria that might be infectious in this scenario. In that sense it would have enriched your group's Wiki entry had you considered the pathogenesis of (some of) the organisms considered in the other sections of the Wiki.

Niamh (talk)00:19, 30 January 2015