Course talk:MATH110/003/Teams/Ticino/Homework 12

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Comments005:32, 2 February 2011
early comments023:18, 25 January 2011

Hi guys, here are a few comments:

1) Can you write more about the model? Can you plug in some numbers (but not just random ones! reasonable ones and you should be able to justify the "reasonableness") and make a prediction?

JingFeiYu05:10, 2 February 2011

early comments

I hope to see more than this, it's quite minimal (maybe I'm too impatient). And on the part where you change the y-intercept, sure it does change the y intercept, but if I say "I want the y-intercept to be 12" can you do that easily?

David Kohler23:18, 25 January 2011