Course talk:MATH110/003/Groups/Group 17/Basic Skills Project

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Thread titleRepliesLast modified
Changes to the project page020:53, 28 December 2010
Remarks on your contribution to the Basic Skills Project120:52, 28 December 2010
Group discussion120:51, 28 December 2010

Changes to the project page

Hey guys. I made a ton of changes, reorganized everything so it's more suitable, fixed the formatting, got rid of some redundant text and incorrect examples, and incorporated David's feedback. Feel free to make any changes you think are relevant.

Thanks for the feedback, David!

BenJeffery20:53, 28 December 2010

Remarks on your contribution to the Basic Skills Project

Dear group 17,

You have a good start here, but I would like to see more of the content you still want to post. It does look promising so far, keep up the good work, but quickly if you want more feedback. Cheers,

David Kohler20:52, 28 December 2010

Dear group 17,

Here are some remarks on your page:

  • In your description of the Pythagorean Theorem, why is there a line on the area of a triangle? I don't see the point.
  • The water demo video (which is fun) cannot constitute a mathematical proof of the theorem, but it does make for a nice application of the theorem in the real world. A little discussion about this would be appreciated, I don't want the other students to believe this should be called a proof.
  • As for applications in the trigonometric circle, I was hoping for an explanation of the identity: which is true for any value of the angle .
  • In terms of picture management, try to replace the code:
by the code
[[File:500px-Pythagorean.svg.png|thumb|left|A geometric visualization of the Pythagorean Theorem|300px]]
It will look much better. Using this kind of tricks can help improve the visual appeal of your page.
  • Please, don't sign where you contributed, I don't really care, this is a group effort. You will fill an evaluation form to distinguish who contributed more or less and by this way, redistribute the grade among yourselves.

Feel free to contact me if necessary of course. Cheers,

David Kohler20:52, 28 December 2010

Group discussion

Guys - Any ideas for our basic skills project offer? Seeing as we can apparently all do Distance and Lines well, how about we offer to do an overview with examples of that part?

It's pretty straight-forward, so there shouldn't be too many challenges with getting it together. If no one answers this by tonight, I'll just put it up as our offer.


BenJeffery20:50, 28 December 2010

looks good to me! i would be between that or the pythagorean theorem (just because it seems more interesting) but for me, either or work. MarcoGasparian

I'm comfortable with doing either- leaning more to pythagorean theorem


Was wondering what part of the guidelines Ben set out you guys would want me to do, and also how to compute them. I am a bit confused as to the guidelines of this project.


20:51, 28 December 2010