Course talk:MATH110/003/Groups/Group 16

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Thread titleRepliesLast modified
Contact Information021:40, 22 September 2015
Remarks on your contribution to the Basic Skills Project000:09, 15 January 2011
TA Comments on Homework 4019:17, 28 December 2010
TA Comments on Homework 3019:17, 28 December 2010

Remarks on your contribution to the Basic Skills Project

Dear group 16,

The TA and I have reviewed your work. Here are our assessment of your work.

  • Presentation: Very organized and readable!
  • Mathematical content: I feel one could add a bit more on numerical solutions (since David's last comment was that exp(x) = -x is unsolvable)
  • Overall perceived effort: The document looks organized, I like the humour, and covered most basic facts.
David Kohler00:09, 15 January 2011

TA Comments on Homework 4

Overall you guys have done a good job! I don't have many things to say except that question 3 is unfinished...It would help if you guys could check back often and communicate with each other in the future to make sure that you've done all the questions!

JingFeiYu19:17, 28 December 2010

TA Comments on Homework 3

You guys did a great job in keeping your work organized and readable. But you are missing a lot of questions! Give them a little more time and you would have got them! A few pointers for improvement

  • Part of your work (questions 10-15) needs major revision as it does not give enough details on how your solved the problems. After all, this process is the most important part you should take away from this exercise!
  • Read your questions carefully. Check your answers afterwards, make sure they make sense and are logical. This golden rule is never wrong!
JingFeiYu19:17, 28 December 2010