Course talk:MATH110/003/Groups/Group 14/Basic

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Remarks on your contribution to the Basic Skills Project120:58, 28 December 2010

Remarks on your contribution to the Basic Skills Project

Dear group 14,

I like what you did, there is a lot of stuff and it seems fairly well describe. Three major remarks though:

  • I think it would be good to spend some time organizing things in a better way. It's a bit confusing to find things and your titles in the strange boxes
this is a strange box
are a bit confusing. I would recommend using the =Title= or ==Subtitle== strategy.
  • Instead of typing Log(2)3 consider typing by typing:
  • What about links to exponential functions and more specifically to the natural logarithm?

Feel free to contact me if necessary. Cheers,

David Kohler20:57, 28 December 2010

Dear group 14,

Thanks for taking my remarks into account. Here are a few more:

  • When using the correct latex code for typing logarithm, please make sure you add a backslash, the code is \log_a x not just log_a x. If the base has more than one symbol (say a logarithm in base 10) you need to add curly brackets: so type \log_{10} x to get .
  • I've tweaked the presentation of your part on Laws of logarithms to make it look slightly better. In the laws themselves, some of the formulas naturally make the symbols become larger, for those which don't I had to add put all the content into a \displaystyle{} (so the idea is you write everything inside the curly brackets and it becomes larger. Try it for yourself.
  • The solution of both your examples of the laws of logarithm have issues. The first one has a correct answer for very incorrect reasons. The second one is just plain wrong. Please watch out. I haven't had time to check all the others, make sure you present material that is correct.
David Kohler20:58, 28 December 2010