Course talk:MATH110/003/Groups/Group 04

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Thread titleRepliesLast modified
Remarks on your contribution to the basic skills project000:03, 15 January 2011
Remarks on the presentation of your main page019:35, 28 December 2010
TA Comments on Homework 4019:32, 28 December 2010
TA Comments on Homework 3019:31, 28 December 2010

Remarks on your contribution to the basic skills project

"Dear group 4,

The TA and I have reviewed your work. Here are our assessment of your work.

  • Presentation: Minimal organization.
  • Mathematical content: Explanation of function inadequate, more over, degree of polynomials is not a general property of functions. No explanation of domain and range..Graphing: only explained two cases, what about in general?
  • Overall perceived effort: Some effort, not a hell lot considering there was no organization."
David Kohler00:03, 15 January 2011

Remarks on the presentation of your main page

Dear group 4,

Please, put some order to your main page. Create subpages, add titles if needed, but if you have an honest look at it, it is quite messy. If you have technical difficulties, consider looking at the help pages or talking to me (a reply below this, or an email would do).

Many thanks,

David Kohler19:35, 28 December 2010

TA Comments on Homework 4

What happened to question 2 and 5? Please communicate with your group members to make sure at least all the questions are done!

Also, please provide more thought process. Just an answer or a brief word about process of elimination is not going to get you a lot of marks. More over, if you say you are using a graph or chart, SHOW the graph or chart!

JingFeiYu19:32, 28 December 2010

TA Comments on Homework 3

Good job in getting most of the questions! Below is a few pointers for improvements

  • Please format your work in a more readable manner. Right now it's difficult to distinguish between questions
  • Please also stick to one way of presenting. In the beginning each questions was broken down to steps accounting to the problem

solving steps given in the question page, but latter you stopped doing that. Just stick to one uniform way throughout!

  • Please write down more of your thought processes! It is hard to tell how you solved the problems, after all, that's the most important exercise in this homework.
  • Read the questions more carefully! Do not make groundless assumptions or jumping to conclusions. Check your answers after you've arrived at them!
JingFeiYu19:31, 28 December 2010