Course talk:PHIL487

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This section is intended to provide a venue for free-form discussion, posting of interesting links and articles, etc. Contributions here are not mandatory per-se, but will be considered in your final participation mark. That said, you can achieve full marks by actively participating in class discussion; this is simply an additional outlet. When you post here, please identify yourself by name (or chosen pseudonym, if you're flying under the internet-radar.) For links, just copy and paste the URL, and it will appear as a link.

To get us started, check out this Globe and Mail article: There is an implication here that religion, rather than being outright refuted, is simply becoming less central to people's lives. What does this mean for the atheist "project" of raising awareness of atheism? A more pointed question: Do most (or many) people particularly care about the "debate" between religion and atheism? What does this mean for the types of arguments advanced by different parties-would it perhaps be more productive to focus on, say, substantive moral questions than to directly engage with metaphysical religious ones? Well, that's quite a few questions. Don't feel compelled to answer them, they're simply starting points. Thoughts, anyone? --Scott C

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