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The relationship between GDP per capita and income inequality


The study aims to explore the relationship between GDP per capita and income inequality, with a particular focus on their performance in different countries and regions. By analyzing economic data from multiple countries, the study utilizes GDP per capita as an indicator of economic development and income inequality is measured through the Gini coefficient. Through regression analysis of data from different periods in each country, the paper finds that there is a complex non-linear relationship between GDP per capita and income inequality. Income inequality tends to increase with GDP per capita in the early stages of economic development; however, it is likely to decrease when the economy reaches a certain level of development. The paper also discusses other factors that may affect this relationship, such as government policies, social security systems and education levels. The findings not only enrich the understanding of the relationship between economic development and income distribution, but also provide a reference for the formulation of relevant policies to achieve more equitable economic development.


Ziyang Xu

Ziyang Xu is an undergraduate student in the UBC vantage one program, and he is now focusing on research in the field of mathematics, which includes fundamental mathematical theories as well as knowledge of mathematical applications.

Yicheng Zhou

Yicheng Zhou is a science student at vantage college, University of British Columbia, now preparing for professional studies.