
From UBC Wiki

Finding the Shortest Distance Between Two Points


This project aims to  use graph theory and floyd algorithms.  By analyzing historical street data and incorporating real-time data such as GPS, we seek to understand how delivery distance and paths are estimated.  The project involves applying graph analysis techniques to explore and visualize graph data, utilizing floyd algorithms to process connected data efficiently.  Additionally, weighted graphs will be employed to determine the shortest distances between locations, akin to points on Google Maps.  The programming aspect focuses on adapting pathfinding and search algorithms to minimize delivery distances and times, thereby enhancing the speed and efficiency of food deliveries.  This endeavor represents a practical application of data science principles to improve real-world services.

Keywords: Distance estimate, Path finding, floyd algorithm


Chenxuan Zhao

Chenxuan Zhao,a student at vantage college at UBC. He is interested in math and designing programs. He is going to study in statistics major.

Dexian Huang

He is Dexian Huang, and he studies at Vantage College at UBC. He is interested in computer programming and data analysis and hopes to enter computer science or statistics.

Fengyuan Chen

Fengyuan Chen, a UBC Vantage Science One student, takes a serious and rigorous approach to academics. He is interested in mathematics and computer science. He's going to major in mathematics in his sophomore year. He was interested in mathematical models and computer algorithms.