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Decay of fruits (apples) under different storage environments report


Our experiment was conducted to study and compare the degree of apple rot under different storage environments (temperature and humidity are variables).  To conduct the experiment, we divided the apples into three groups, one group was placed in the refrigerator (variable temperature), one group was placed in the bathroom (variable humidity), and the last group was placed in a dry place (variable temperature).  The room temperature room served as the control experimental group.  Comparison and summary were made by recording the degree of apple rot at each time in each environment within two weeks.


         TANGHAO LIU is a student in Vantage one program at the University of British Columbia. His VANT149 research focus on the influence of the environment on apples, with the emphasis on temperature and humidity. The achievement of first place in the high school Science Fair was attained by TANGHAO LIU. He aims to study environmental science in senior level.

BOQIN LIANG is a student studying at Vantage One Program at the University of British Columbia. He is interested in studying physics at the University of British Columbia, which undoubtedly enhances his research and expertise in the field. Also the great results in the high school Mathematics Olympiad Competition was achieved by BOQIN LIANG.

Yuhan Gu, as a student who has finished his first year of vantage science at UBC, is very interested in mathematics courses. In high school, he won many awards in mathematics, such as the top 5% of AMC10 and AMC12. He hopes to enter the field of theoretical mathematics and eventually become a mathematics researcher.