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Impact of Sand Radius on Kinetic Friction Coefficient: Experimental Analysis of Kinetic Friction Coefficient in Dry and Wet Sand


In pursuit of understanding frictional characteristics of granular materials, this study examined the relationship between sand particle size, specifically the radius, and kinetic frictional force. Experiments were conducted using three sand types with different radii, assessing the force necessary to move a weight at a constant speed across the sand. This investigation aimed to determine how sand radius influences the kinetic friction coefficient, a topic not normally explored before. The expected outcome is that the bigger the sand radius, the greater the dynamic friction coefficient. The result shows that the friction coefficient decreases by increasing of the radius of sand. The findings of this study hold implications for industries such as construction and energy extraction, which heavily rely on understanding frictional behaviors of granular materials. Further investigation is necessary for a comprehensive understanding of these interactions.


Zeqian Feng is an excellent student in Undergraduate Science Faculty in UBC. He is interested in exploring funny stuff around the world with patient and enthusiasm. He has the goal of getting in computer science program and do more interesting things with his creativities.

Beixi Han studies in the Science program of UBC. He has diverse interests and passions with a strong leaning towards statistics and marketing. His openness to new experiences makes him a keen analytical thinker and eager to learn more about challenging things. In addition, he has an avid interest in sports including tennis and soccer.

Zisheng Huang is a student of Vantage program at the UBC. He's interested in the things that relates to the data and practical applications. His current project is about sand and friction. By studying this, Zisheng hopes to apply his knowledge to real-world applications, like improving industries such as construction.