
From UBC Wiki

Comparative Study of Six Materials on Cleaning Permanent Marker Traces of Different Durations


With societal advancement, a growing variety of materials have emerged on the market, claiming efficacy in cleaning permanent marker stains. This experiment evaluates the cleansing capabilities of six popular materials on permanent marker traces left for the different duration of each one-week-old and a few minutes old. Employing a controlled variable methodology, the applied pressure and cleaning time were stringently regulated to compare the performance of six cleaning materials (toilet bowl cleaner, laundry detergent, toothpaste, 70% alcohol, makeup remover, nail polish remover) on traces of permanent marker ink left for a week and those freshly made. The study found that nail polish remover is the most effective material for both one-week aged mark and new mark, while 70% alcohol is also available for the latter. However, makeup remover and toilet bowl cleaner are not good choices to clean permanent marker traces. This research could contribute significantly to the development and practical application of cleaning products.
