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The relationship between climate change and frogs breeding
For this Research Proposal, our research question is how does temperature change affect the frogs breeding in BC? Temperature changes may be affecting the reproductive patterns of amphibians, such as frogs. Frogs are not only important indicators of environmental health, but also help control invertebrate pests. Now the decline of frog population should arouse the great concern of the society. Therefore, it is necessary to understand the relationship between temperature change and frog reproduction. From the existing research, we found that the breeding time of amphibians is related to the increase of temperature. Amphibians in temperate regions will start breeding earlier because of the high temperature. For further testing, we will collect climate data of alpha Lake Park in Whislter and Burnaby Lake region park from academic climate website. During the frog breeding season, we will analysis data in twice or three times a week to observe the laying of frogs and record the changes of temperature. After that, we will use Excel to record the temperature changes and the number of frogs laying eggs in these two different places in a weekAnalyze frog breeding patterns using long-term data to gain a more comprehensive understanding of how to protect frog populations.