
From UBC Wiki


The Correlation between Elevated Retail Gasoline Price and CO2 Emissions from Transportation in the US From 2004 to 2014


Understanding the impact of increasing carbon dioxide CO2 emissions resulting in fossil fuel consumption has been the focus of numerous research papers. This project aims to explore the impact of rising retail gasoline prices on CO2 emissions in the transportation sector. Most previous studies only focus on gasoline tax prices, while little research has examined gasoline retail prince in the decade interval data. The study will directly evaluate the retail gasoline prices from 2004 to 2014, which might fill the research gap. In this study, data will be collected from government and cooperative organization websites, then a parametric test and regression analysis will be conducted.


Zeen Lin:

Zeen Lin is a first-year Vantage Science One student at UBC. He is an electric guitar and computer programming enthusiast. He intends to pursue a bachelor's degree in Computer Science in his sophomore year of the university

Junyin Zhang:

Junyin Zhang is a freshman at UBC. He enjoys working out and playing basketball in his spare time. After his first year, he intends to major in the faculty of Statistics.