
From UBC Wiki

Evaluation of the Juiciness of the Eye of Round Steak, Sirloin Tip and Chunk Eye Steak


The taste of steak depends on juiciness, tenderness and flavor. The proposal will focus on ranking the juiciness of different cuts of Angus steak. Juiciness will be determined by dividing the mass of juice by the total mass of the steak. We want to suck the juice of cooked steak with suction papers to visualize the juiciness of steaks of different parts. The purpose of the proposal is to help home consumers to select juicy steaks for daily cooking.


Xinwang Ma: From Henan Province, China. Currently studying in Vantage College One Science program in UBC, Vancouver, Canada. First-year student, interested in Math.

Chengyou Xiang: From Jiangsu Province, China. Currently studying in Vantage College One Science program in UBC, Vancouver, Canada. First-year student, interested in Physic.