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Fruit Type and pH in Relation to the Voltage of Fruit Batteries


Batteries cause environmental pollution in life, and using natural materials that can replace conventional batteries as a voltage source to solve may reduce environmental pollution. The purpose of this study is to experimentally investigate the effect of pH and fruit species on the voltage of fruit batteries. In this experiment, graphite and silver wire will be used for the electrode selection of the fruit battery, with silver wire as the anode and graphite as the cathode.


Xinhui Wang: From Inner Mongolia, China. Currently studying in Vantage College One Science program in UBC, Vancouver, Canada. First year student, interested in Nutrition.

Yixuan Fu: From Jiangsu, China. Currently studying in Vantage College One Science program in UBC, Vancouver, Canada. First year student, interested in Chemsitry.

Yifei Yuan: From Guangdong, China. Currently studying in Vantage College One Science program in UBC, Vancouver, Canada. First year student, interested in Computer Science.