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Title of Project

Comparison of the Efficiency of Eye Protection of Blue Light Blocking Material


When people spend more and more time on digital devices, expose to intensity blue light of the devices may lead negative health problem. As a result, lots of products on eye protection are generated, one typical example is anti-blue light screen protector. Therefore, it is important to measure the efficiency of eye protection of blue blocking screen film existing in market. There are two types of anti-blue light screen protectors, one is to absorb the blue light, the other is to reflect blue light. The main purpose is to compare which of those two films has more efficiency to block blue light and can best protect our eyes. The hypothesis is absorbing blue light films can prevent more blue light get into our eyes than the reflecting one. And the result tells both two films can block the same amount of blue light and there is not a big difference between each. This science project discusses the harm that blue light brings to eyes and gives suggestions on which product is better to protect eyes.


Peiyao Zhang UBC student

Chengwei Zhang UBC student

Chenyi Zhang UBC student

Yutong Zhang UBC student