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Title of Project

Comparison of effect of light on weight and height of mung bean during the first two weeks of growth


A plant needs three important things in order to grow; sunlight, nutrients and water. Among these three factors, sunlight plays a vital role. Although there is a natural growth cycle for every plant, the vegetative and flowering stages of growth are directly influenced by sunlight. Light gives food and energy to plants through photosynthesis. In this project, we will compare and find out the influence of sunlight on the weight and height of plants in the first two weeks of growth. Our hypothesis is wherever under strong sunlight, regular sunlight, or no sunlight, the growth rates of mung bean are the same. We expect to see that after four weeks of mung bean planting, the differences between after growth and before growth in height and weight are the same under different sunlight. The results of the experiment help people choose what kind of light is the most suitable for growing plants.


Iris Pan is a first-year student at Vantage College with an interest in mathematics and statistics. She likes traveling and going to the cinema in her spare time.

Emma Zhang is a first year science student in UBC Vantage College, and she is interested in Math and Statistics. She hopes to study a major related to mathematics in the future.

Quan Yuan is a first year student in vantage college, he hopes to study psychology in third school years.

Hilary Lio is a first year Vantage student working towards a career in Geology. Her main hobbies are sports and culinary.