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Title of Project

Analysis of the relationship between "Tuul" river water quality in Mongolia and human activity of Ulaanbaatar


         Our research question is how the pollution of the river is changing from near the mountain to the city based on five different types of tests: Temperature, Conductivity, Salinity, PH, and TDS, and the water quality it passes by the city. And then, the research hypothesis is that there is a relationship between “Tuul” river water quality and human activity in Ulaanbaatar. Tuul river is considered “moderately polluted”, even though most of all rivers in Mongolia are considered “clean” or “acceptable quality” (Kelderman & Batima, 2006). The temperature will not be related to the day and time that took the sample. The conclusion we reached in these investigations is that people and factories polluted the river as it passed through the city. The main aspects are the total amount of dissolved solids (TDS) and salinity. Conductivity is related to salinity and TDS. If these two aspects become larger, the conductivity increases. As the river passes, people and manufacturing will increase their waste and quantity until it leaves the city. The most polluted section of the river will be the last section of the river. As for PH, we expect the pollution to be acidic. As a result, we expect the river to become more acidic as it passes. As for temperature, it depends on the date we collect the data. In addition, we use temperature as a control aspect.

           Moreover, our research results are the result of future climate problems, land-use changes, and other human emissions-oriented results, resulting in the huge impact of urban changes on land use, which is an important factor affecting the environmental water quality of the regional river.


Daichi Yurimichi is one of Vantage One Science Stream members majoring in Astronomy in the Second year at UBC. His main goal is to study string theory as it applies to a grand unified theory. He is interested not only in space but also in environmental pollution such as the plastic problem in the oceans and global warming.

Sainaa Undrakhbold is born in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia. He interested in working toward majoring in chemical bio-molecular engineering. He likes to dance, sing and do scientific research. In scientific research, he likes to participate any field work, and eager on watching nature and animals. His aim is to discover a way to make human organ using their own genetic information, and transplant themselves. Additionally, He has accounts on Youtube, Facebook and Instagram, and wants to be influencer to educate people on scientific side.

Yixiao Gong is born in China, Her hobby is photography, and she wants to appeal to people about the seriousness of environmental pollution through photos. Through her professional study, Her goal is not only to take photos more objectively, but also to solve some environmental problems through her own learning.