
From UBC Wiki

Title of the study

Investigating Consumers’Attitudes and Behaviors regarding to Slow Fashion


Hi, my name is Erika Enjo, VANT149 student from Japan. In my first year, I took Geography, Psychology, History, which taught me about the many impacts of human activities on environment during the studies, such as green the revolution or the Anthropocene, where humans devastated the environment for their own profits, and I became more aware of the importance of sustainability. One of the consumptions I'm personally obsessed with is fashion, so slow fashion is very enlightening to me as it would help me reduce my habit of buying too many clothes. This is why I would like to focus on slow fashion for our study of sustainability.

Hello! My name is Eva Ding, and I am a first-year student in UBC Arts. As I belong to UBC, where you can see how hard this community is working to contribute to sustainability, I became more interested in how to devote myself to sustainable development. Shopping is an essential demand for us, and it is definitely one of the main economic activities for university students. When I looked at my consumption, I found that one thing can be altered to be more sustainable-- the shopping style. And that's how I came across slow fashion.

Hello everyone! My name is Jaime Tsai, I am currently a first-year student in the University of British Columbia. As an active earth lover, I find opportunities to be engage in local communities and learn about the interaction and relation between human and the environment. Last October, I participated in the climate change strike by taking tangible actions on sustainable issues and use my platform and voice to speak for my future. Nonetheless, to growth my knowledge upon sustainability, me and my groups are going to focus on slow fashion industry and further investigate the impact on sustainability.

Hi! My name is Ziqiu (Tina) Wang, I am a freshman in UBC. I try to incorporate eco-friendly actions on my daily bases to advocate a more sustainable lifestyle. In other words, I choose a greener lifestyle by making wiser purchases on sustainable food or products as a consumer, such as the vegetables and fruits from UBC Farm. This, however, ignited my interest in various consumption of sustainable products. Fashion, tableware, shopping bag, or electricity can all practice through sustainability. Thus, I am so excited to research a topic regarding fashion sustainability, slow fashion, and its relation to consumers.


Erika Enjo

The picture of Erika Enjo.jpg

Eva Ding

The picture of Eva Ding.jpg

Jaime Tsai

The picture of Jaime Tsai.jpg

Tina Wang

The picture of Tina Wang.jpg

Website component

The poster for group 4.jpg

In this research "Investigating Consumers’Attitudes and Behaviors regarding to Slow Fashion", we are interested in investigating two research questions: What attitudes do VANT149 students hold on sustainable slow fashion and fashion production processes? and how do these beliefs influence their consumption of fashion products? Since slow fashion is being popular as trend lately, we would like to focus on this topic as a way to approach sustainability. The study focuses on VANT 149 students' attitudes for slow fashion in regards to awareness of fashion production processes, and explored how these beliefs influence their consumption of fashion products, as it would contribute to fill in the knowledge deficit about the preference of consumers to slow fashion and its influences on the prevalence of slow fashion. �