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Environmental Recycle of Disposal Fashion


I’m Louis, come from China and currently studying in the Vantage one program, researching disposal fashion in the VANT 149 class. The reason I choose this to be our topic is I used to dispose my outdated clothes just by throwing them into garbage bin. But after the browsing through the related papers, I realized the importance of dispose the fashions appropriately, as well as the advantages to the Earth by dispose used clothes environmentally.

Hello ladies and gentlemen, this is Jianjia Yan. You can call me Jay. To be honest, I actually do not always spend a lot of money and time on fashion. The reason for me to study a topic about the sustainability of fashion is that I think we as the inhabitant of the planet, we should do something to slow down the speed of exhaustion. I have always heard that most of the resources are used by industries, so by studying this topic, I would know what we can do for the environment as individuals. It is important to realize the responsibility of keeping the sustainability.

Hello, honorable and distinguished researchers! Yoshi is here. I’m from east-side of Japan and conducting research on fashion disposal and fashion consumer behavior as I am an enthusiast of fashion personally. In Japan, the commercial reuse of vintage clothes is a big trend among fashion industries and consumer. For instance, some of second-handed cloth retailers are even dealing with old abandoned military clothes. And I’m genuinely assuming such trend will overwhelm the ecological destruction resulted from fast fashion. I hope you guys enjoy and realize something important for our future from our presentation. Thank you!

Hello! I am Victor Hua. The student who does not like fashion. However, I always focus on fashion because fashion disposal is in increasing importance. Consumers throw outdated fashions anywhere. This behavior is negative because humans should protect their environment, and not to destroy it. It is a responsibility to humans who have to save earth by sustainability because humans depend on the environment.

Our research question is: How do VANT 149 students dispose of fashion items they no longer want? In order to answer this, we conducted a survey by using quantitative analysis, asking 25 participants from different countries to investigate our research. Besides, we have read the peer reviewed article written by Kwon and Brinthaupt (2015) to investigate our research more precisely. The results have indicated that 92% of Vantage students have ever engaged in fashion sustainability.
