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Taxpayer’s Preferences in Solutions to Capital Shortage in Local Urban Tourism Development
Coco Wang, a student in Vantage College who is from China, aims to study professional knowledge about environmental design at UBC. Coco is also very interested in environmental and tourism issues. When she was in China, she loved to travel and enjoyed watching the scenery and humanities of various places. So when she came to Vancouver to study, she also had a strong interest in Vancouver's environment and nature. As an international student, Coco will be more touched by Vancouver's tourism industry. And as an international student who will study and live in Vancouver for several years, the sustainable development of the Vancouver tourism industry will affect Coco not only in the form of a resident or a tourist. Therefore, the survey of the sustainable tourism industry in Vancouver has great significance to her.
This is Roy Tang from China. Roy is studying in Vancouver for almost 4 years. He is favored in traveling. Roy has traveled almost the whole Greater Vancouver area. He visited Lynn Valley park, Grouse Mountain, Capilano suspension bridge park, Queen Elizabeth park, and also the most famous Stanley park. Because of his special interest, Roy likes to engage in looking for how these marvelous parks are functioned or maintained. He cares about why Vancouver can be a such fantastic tourist city. Roy tries to find related research and survey about how to achieve tourist destination sustainability which can give him an experience that could be applied to other cities.
Leon Zhang, an international student at Vantage College. Based in Vancouver, vantage college is a college which designed for oversea student to get into second year of UBC degree. Leon has been studying in Vantage college for eight months. Leon has a record of graduating in B.C. high school as well as achieving the standard requirement of volunteering for 24 hours through his time during high school. From which being an active volunteer in helping elderly. Leon shows interest in learning and studying in sustainable environment and its solution to current problems in BC transportation system. He tries to help to solve the current problem in BC by doing qualitative research.
Elvira Gao, an international student from Vantage College. As a person who has been in Vancouver for four years, Elvira has always attracted to the scenery of this city. She is interested in Vancouver’s city development, willing to understand more about how could people sustain its attractive scenery. Elvira is also fond of traveling, which she believes to be the best way to engage in a country’s culture and customs. She has been traveling to over fifteen countries, experiencing different cultures and social systems, which inspired her to reconsider about environment issues, urban planning and local tourism industries from different perspectives. Since many of her friends and relatives are interested in visiting Vancouver someday, Elvira is willing to investigate how to make Vancouver a better tourist attraction by improving its local infrastructures while not harming the environment through this research.
Introduction to our project
our research group would like to investigate an explicitly guidelines of how it can be actually applied to cities, by analyzing local residents’ awareness of sustainable tourist development, as well as their preferences towards different funding resources regarding to solve the funding problem in the contribution of sustainable tourist attraction.