
From UBC Wiki

The course covers various aspects of watershed management. The Textbook placed on the WEB-Site contains the following information: • hydrology & sediment dynamics • water quality and aquatic biota • land use and its interactions with water • water governance and watersheds management • community based approaches

A number of case studies are presented to cover key aspects of water pollution impacts from different land uses. The use and application of Geographic Information Systems (GIS) in watershed management is stressed throughout the course. Results from different modelling efforts will be discussed and watershed rehabilitation initiatives will be examined.

The Text on the WEB-Site contains more than 500 frames of graphics and more than 400 photographic images to illustrate the content. A listing of additional readings and references is provided separately. A number of interesting websites will be posted that address new material that is frequently updated and posted on UBC Connect. The online course text will be made available to registered students the first week of classes.