
From UBC Wiki

Topic: == Aboriginal/Native Affairs, Rights, Self-Government, etc. ==

Reminder: Write properly structured questions, including simple text for response options. Use the discussion tab above for discussion of advantages and disadvantages of particular questions and their wording.

Contributors: 1. Derrick Murphy 2. Vanessa Beasley 3. Maelle GILLET (Elle) 4. Madihah Asif (Madi)


Questions to vote on (Vanessa's questions)

1.Do you agree with the Federal government’s decision to put Attawapiskat under third party management? Agree, Disagree, Don’t know

2.Agree or Disagree: Aboriginal groups deserve the right to self-government. Agree, Disagree, Don’t know

3.Agree or Disagree: The Attawapiskat community is responsible for its housing crisis. Strongly Agree (100% responsible), Agree (mostly reasonable), Disagree (mostly not responsible), Strongly Disagree (100% not responsible)

4.Do you think that Aboriginal groups should be consulted on resource development projects on non-aboriginal land? Yes, No, Don’t know

Questions from Madihah

1. Do you support initiatives that educate their employers of the advantages of hiring aboriginal employees? Yes, No, Unsure, No opinion. 2. How strongly do you feel on the issue of imposing quotas to ensure an increased representation of aboriginal groups in the workforce? (0 - Not strong, 10 - Very strong). 3. Do you believe it the Government of Canada's responsibility to ensure aboriginal people receive and enjoy the same education as all other Canadians? (Agree, Disagree, Uncertain, No opinion) 4. How important do you think is funding for aboriginal affairs (i.e. economic, education, housing or infrastructure etc) in contrast to other political issues in Canada? (0 - Not important, 10 - Very important)

Questions from Derrick (have been deleted)

Questions from Maelle

To what extend do you think Aboriginal culture has been altered by the Western culture, form the settlement to nowadays? from 0 to 10, 5 neutral

Do you think measures (education, protection of languages, financial aid and so on) should be taken by the federal government to help protect the Aboriginal culture? Yes, No, no opinion

Do you consider that First Nations have ownership of parts of the Canadian territory? Yes, No, No opinion. If yes, Do you believe any decisions concerning those lands, including the use of resources and any land use, should strictly be made by Aboriginal people? yes, no no opinion

Concerning the BC Hydro plan to build a new dam on the Peace River (Site C), Should Aboriginals be consulted, if yes, choose the most suitable answera-)Aboriginals' point of view prevail, b-)Aboriginals should be largely included in the decision making process, c-) Aboriginals should be consulted but the final decision should entirely lie with the BC Government, d-) No, Aboriginals should not be consulted.