Sydney Opera House Acoustics
(For Reference)
This example project includes all the necessary elements of the PHYS341 wiki project:
Introductory paragraph(s)
Contents list
Text in paragraphs as per the contents list.
References properly cited inline (I am relaxed about style, but demand consistency - i.e. don't change style from one reference to another)
Figures (at least one diagram, at least one photograph), must be own work (preferred) or from Wiki commons, properly cited. Captions must be informative (i.e. not just "Fig.3") and should be at least somewhat comprehensible without having to read the entire article.
It has an appropriate length for a PHYS341 Wiki project. Total word count (everything: captions, references, the lot - the easy way to count is to cut and paste into Word and let it count for you) must be greater than 1000 and less than 1500.
Overall style: read this Wikipedia writing guide - note the primacy of fact-based writing rather than persuasive writing.
Spelling: be consistent! Alternating Canadian spelling with American and/or British spelling drives me nuts. My personal preference is for Canadian spelling but you will only lose style marks if you spell a word one way in one paragraph and another in the next. Also beware of issues like "sound box" versus "soundbox" or "sound-box": consult online for the most accepted version and stick with it.
Beware of starting sentences with pronouns and demonstratives like "it" and "this", where it is not obvious what "it" and "this" refer to. Consider using a
semicolon to link to the previous sentence where "it" is defined, rather than starting a new sentence.
In a short article like this, don't use phrases like "As previously mentioned".
Feel free to point out to me where this example article violates my own rules!