
From UBC Wiki

Phys341 Opening Questionnaire

The purpose of this questionnaire is to know the background of my audience. Your answers in no way affect your ability to be successful in this course.

1. What is the highest grade level of math do you feel comfortable with?

2. What is the highest grade level of physical science do you feel comfortable with?

3. Are you familiar with standard basic Western music notation (e.g. one of treble/alto/bass clef, sharps/flats)?

4. Are you familiar with the naming of musical intervals (e.g. minor third, perfect fifth)?

5. Do you play a musical instrument (including a singing voice)? If so what?

6. Would you be willing to demonstrate your instrument to the class (nothing more than a scale or a few seconds of melody)?
(This would be most interesting if your instrument is not of the Western standard variety).

7. Do you have any experience creating content on UBC's Wiki pages, or on Wikipedia?

8. Do you have any interest in learning how to make audio demonstrations using Python (open source coding language)?
(Given sufficient interest, I would run a class or two as tutorials on how to get started, assuming no prior coding experience.)