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This midterm will consist of a few questions in the styles that you are familiar with from the quizzes. I suggest you review the self-study questions posted for quizzes 1-5, your marked copies of quizzes 1-5, and a those below that cover material from Friday Feb. 9th.

Part 1

Fill in the gaps in each paragraph, choosing from the set of words/phrases at the end of each question (each of which may be used more than once) to form the most correct, precise statements. In the case where two words can be interchanged with no change in meaning, place them in alphabetical order (the code cannot handle more than one correct answer!).

A flat, uniform sheet of wood has vibration



in integer ratios (e.g. 1:2:3:4... or 1:3:5:7...). Vibrationally, a flat sheet is said to be

. To excite a given

, the best way is to hold the sheet lightly at a

and strike the sheet at an

. By the definition of a

, all parts of the sheet have the same

are, are not, amplitudes, antinode, frequency, frequencies, harmonic, inharmonic, mode, modes, node, nodes, phases, speeds, timbre.

Part 2

Select all statements that are correct; there may be more than one. When you have completed the quiz, I suggest to pay attention to all the comments, including those for wrong answers, even if you got it right first time.

In class I represent modal shapes by colouring in a outline of the vibrating object in red and blue. Which one of the following is true:

(a) The red means moving up; the blue means going down.
(b) The blue means moving up; the red means going down.
(c) When the red means moves up; the blue goes down, and vice versa.
(d) The red is going faster than the blue.
(e) The red has a higher frequency than the blue.