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Phys341 Lecture 09: Summary and web references


Textbook: Ch.8 (minus the parts dealing with relative phase)

Slide List

  1. Frequency analysis
    • Quick review:
    • A perceived sound wave consists of successive crests and troughs of pressure arriving at our ears.
    • But, we do not perceive the wave motion.
    • As we will see later, the ear naturally analyzes the sound in terms of frequency components.
    • In computational terms, this is an example of Fourier Analysis: expressing a complicated wave form in terms of a sum of simpler “pure tones”, each of a distinct frequency.
    • There are ways of doing this with a computer (to do it by hand would take forever)
    • The human ear does it quite naturally (and very quickly)
  2. Pure (simple) tones
    • A pure tone can be produced by simple harmonic vibration; it has a single, definite frequency. The waveform is a simple sine wave.
    • Real sounds are generally a mixture of many different frequencies; the frequency components are called partials. The waveforms are more complicated.
    • Musical sounds generally have partials whose frequencies are integer multiples of a lowest fundamental frequency (or very close to integer multiples); these partials are called harmonics.
    • Any uniform one-dimensional thing (thin strings, air columns) tend to generate a harmonic series.
    • Small deviations from the integer series is call inharmonicity (e.g. thick strings, air columns with varying cross section).
  3. Pure tone – in time and frequency
    • Add two simple tones
    • Add three simple tones
    • Add three simple tones
  4. Musical tones
    • Many more partials
    • Strength of partials tends to decrease with frequency
    • Original waveform generally not a sinusoid
    • Triangle (string plucked in centre)
    • Sawtooth (bowed string)
    • Square wave (woodwind)
    • Periodic pulses (human voice)
  5. Triangle wave
  6. Sawtooth
  7. Square wave
  8. Pulse train
  9. Formants
    • Real musical instruments (incl. human voice) have complex, harmonic spectra
    • Some regions of frequency space enhanced: “formants”
    • We control the frequencies of our voice formants to distinguish vowels
    • Trained singers have a formant ~ 3 kHz, which allows a solo voice to rise above, say, an orchestra
    • Violin formant ~ 3 kHz controlled by the torsional oscillation of the bridge, which partly mimics the human voice
    • Of which, more later
  10. Vibrato
  11. Real sounds
    • Pure tone: whistling
    • Complex tone with non-harmonic partials: uniform bar
    • Complex tone with harmonics: marimba bar, taut thin string
    • Complex almost harmonic partials: piano string