Course:MECH598-698 Applied Mechanics/Notes

From UBC Wiki

This course is for you. To this end your active participation and involvement in the seminars is essential. Some notes/ground rules are listed below for your knowledge and compliance.

Notes for the Speaker

  1. Plan for your seminar: Meet with your supervisor to discuss the outline of your seminar at least a month before the actual date.
  2. Preparatory seminar: Organize preparatory seminars and invite your friends to attend to solicit and incorporate their feedback in the final presentation. Your goal is to communicate the essentials of your research to a broad but technically oriented audience.
  3. Abstract: Prepare and send me your seminar abstract one week prior to your actual seminar. The template file can be found at File:AM-Seminar-Template.docx.
  4. Schedule: The schedule for 2016-17 academic year can be found here

Notes for the Reviewer and the Chair

  1. Reviewer and Chair: Provide the speaker your candid and constructive feedback and observer how this feedback influenced the final presentation. Do mention this progress in your evaluation.
  2. Chair: Get the biographical information of the speaker at least on the Monday before the seminar. Inform me if you face problems in this task.
  3. Chair the seminar: Introduce the speaker and organize the question and answer session. We must start 5 minutes after the hour and leave 10 minutes before. Make sure that the necessary facilities (computer, pointer, microphone) are operational.

Notes for All

  1. Be an active participant. Remember that no question is simple and its answer obvious.
  2. Evaluation forms and providing feedback: As agreed, detailed feedback will be sent to the speaker via electronic evaluation form. The electronic form is found here at File:AM Evaluation Form 2016.pdf. Please use this form as a guiding template in writing your feedback. Please email your feedback to me. I will compile the feedback and will deliver it to the speaker. Your identity remains anonymous to the speaker in order to ensure that your feedback is constructive and candid. I and other faculty members know your identify.